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News — seafood direct

Finding the Best Seafood Suppliers: Smart tips on How to find the best seafood suppliers

Seafood seafood direct

It is true that seafood is one of the healthiest foods that you can include in your diet. It is an amazing source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for your heart and brain health. However, it is essential to choose seafood wisely as some seafood may contain mercury and other toxins. One of the ideal ways to ensure that you are getting fresh and healthy seafood is to buy from a reputable seafood supplier. A reputable supplier will provide you with seafood that is fresh, sustainable, and of the highest quality. In addition, a reputable supplier...

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Have You Tried These 5 Fish?

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Fish is considered healthy Seafood as it contains high-protein, vitamins, and most importantly, Omega-3 fatty acids, which the human body does not produce. Omega-3 fatty acid plays an essential role in brain and heart health and reduces the inflammation and risk of heart disease. It is vital in prenatal development in babies too! In this article today, we would like to talk about the best fish for having better nutritional content and fall under the safety profile. So, let's start! 1) Alaska Salmon Alaska Salmon is one of the best options for your diet overall. And, if your budget allows,...

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Seafood, you can try to lose weight!

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Yes, you read it right. Seafood can help you manage your weight or even help you lower it if needed.  Fish is one of the most loved and familiar seafood you would notice. Because of its high-protein content, omega-3 fatty acid, and vitamins, you can expect perfectly cooked fish as your best diet to reduce weight. But you can not go with any fish! In this article, let's try to explore seafood (and some fish) that will help you manage your weight and be internally healthy! 1) Pacific Cod You must understand that chips or any fish won't help you...

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Is Seafood Healthy? Let's Find Out!

Seafood seafood direct wholesale seafood

Around the globe, many people love seafood because it is not only delicious but also full of essential vitamins and minerals.  Seafood helps people have a balanced diet that otherwise they miss in regular veggies and fruits. Seafood contains high-quality protein, natural fat, nutrients, minerals, and vitamins like B-12, which are vital for the sound development of the body and mind.  In seafood, people try fish, lobsters, shrimp, clams, oysters, sea urchins, etc., for their different tastes and benefits. Many researchers have concluded that seafood could positively influence your mental & physical health and help you protect yourself from various...

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Can You Freeze Fresh (or Raw) and Cooked Prawns?

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A seafood lover's diet will almost always include prawns. Prawns are an excellent addition to salads, curries, and pasta recipes. They are also quite versatile, rich in nutrients, and high in protein. You can buy prawns in many varieties, including fresh, cooked, shelled, and unshelled. Is it possible to freeze prawns at home, or is this something that you should avoid? When buying fresh prawns in the UK, you should either consume them right away or freeze them as soon as possible. This is mostly because you do not know exactly how recently they were caught — unless you caught...

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